2024 TSP Volleyball
We offer Volleyball for athletes in grades 3-6.
Registration for co-ed 3rd/4th and 5th/6th TSP Volleyball is open through October 16th.
Any paper signups must be received by 10/14.
Athletes should wear knee pads, sneakers and shorts/ tights to turnouts, practices, and games.
10/16 - deadline to register
10/20- turnouts, @10am - more info will be shared via email to registrants
10/20 - 10/27 - Teams are formed, schedules are created - coaches will reach out
10/28 - practice starts this week
11/2 - games* start
Tournament dates: 12/7- 12/8
*games are on Saturdays
For any questions, please reach out to Kari Shoemaker, Director of TSP Volleyball.
Sports Fee: $85 per child.
Please note - As we cannot accommodate all rideshare requests, we will not accommodate any. Only siblings are guaranteed to make the same team.
When registration closes, IF we can create a waitlist, we will, and we'll communicate out fees noted below.
Registration Fee is $85 // Waitlist fee is +$25*
*$110 will be due if the athlete joins a team